AI Data Annotation & Enhancement

The data used to train AI/ML algorithms can consist of textual content, image scans, and more. However, before the data is fed into the algorithm to allow it to “learn,” you must first be able to tag the different types of objects within the data for it to recognize each object so that you can make meaningful insights or predictions. The AI data annotation and Enhancement tool allows you to tag specific objects within textural and visual media, making them recognizable for algorithms like analyzing credit card fraud or predicting customer behavior.

Our AI Data Annotation and Enhancement
Precision is Unmatched in the Industry

AI Data Annotation and Enhancement

Industry expertise: The industry’s largest and most diverse data labeling network.

Technology: We have the industry’s most advanced image AI data annotation and enhancement data labeling technology.

Scale: We can handle data labeling projects of any size.

Quality: We have a quality assurance process that is highly rigorous. All our annotators are qualified experts across various domains, and our team directly manages all.

Why Choose Our AI Data Annotation and Enhancement Service?​

Global Expertise

We've built up a base of thousands of AI-specialist that can help you solve your hard data labeling problems efficiently via our crowd-sourcing model.

Use our proprietary AI

As technologies such as AI and ML become more advanced, there will be a mountain of information that needs to be sorted and labeled.

AI Annotation Projects Scalability

AI is a process that requires an extensive amount of training to produce the best results. This means that scaling operations to include high volume is critical, which is what our team specializes in without sacrificing quality.

Focus on what you do best

Our team helps you prepare data for training AI engines by providing solutions in the form of API, allowing you to focus on holistic growth.

Cross-Industry Complexities

The team knows how to pull data from multiple sources (e.g., video calls) and work with cross-discipline teams to do so efficiently, in both bulk and on a small scale.

Competitive Pricing

We save a lot of time and money by collaborating on data labeling projects with the help of our platform.

Improved AI Data Security

Improved AI security makes sure sensitive information is protected.

Availability & Delivery

Our next-gen data labeling platform offers easy network connectivity & real-time delivery of data, services, and solutions.

Stay ahead

Our AI processes the information to train and adapt faster than humanly possible.

Text Annotation

General Text Annotation: We provide text data annotation services that can help reveal inefficiencies and opportunities across our customers’ organizations by focusing on any high-value business documents or conversations to unlock critical information. We can also get trained on your high-value datasets so that we don’t require much time to understand the same.

Medical Text Annotation: Labeling medical data requires a deep understanding of the terminology used in healthcare to unlock its potential.  We provide professionally trained & qualified annotators who have accumulated years of experience in the labeling field, supporting organizations that need to hire human annotators to label health-related data.

Image Annotation

General Image Annotation: Image annotation is the process of adding tags to images. This can be done manually using a mouse to click on certain areas of an image or automatically by tools based on machine learning algorithms and natural language processing. Computers know how to categorize flowchart diagrams, medical images, satellite pictures, etc. Cetera.

Medical Image Annotation: Medical image analysis is critical for several aspects of healthcare. This applies to everything from preliminary screening and diagnostics to condition monitoring, cancer research, tissue improvements, and more. Automatic image analysis could help cut costs on several expenses but is unfortunately prone to misleading results because machines don’t have the same expertise when recognizing images as humans do.

Audio Annotation

We can help develop, train, and improve voice-enabled applications like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, or Cortana with our sophisticated audio annotation services. Our team of linguists trained in voice processing technology worldwide and an experienced project management staff can collect hours of multilingual audio data to teach conversational AI applications how to respond appropriately when prompted with certain triggers or questions. We can also provide transcription services that will extract meaningful insights available within your recorded audio files.  

Video Annotation

You can use our advanced video annotation tool to label and extract specific objects within every video frame. We start by capturing each object and its size and location over time, then provide you with a robust dataset for all your computer vision needs. We have the technology and experience in providing these services, which help improve just about any computer vision model required. 

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